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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Magic a Picture Can Capture!

Like people, each home has it's own history.  It's own story to tell.  Since I was a young girl, this has fascinated me.  Born and raised in Brandon, Manitoba where there are several historical homes in our community I remember driving by and dreaming about who used to live in those homes, what they did for a living and what the house looked like on the inside. My young mind making a different story about each home, every single time.  If I think about it, this is when my love for Real Estate came to be.  I think I always knew I would have to do something in Real Estate when I grew up.

One of my favourite things to do is tour through an older home.  It doesn't get any better then if it is a home with original wall paper, hardwood floors and still has the little details like interior doors with skeleton key door knobs and original letter slots for the mail. 

Late last year, I had the pleasure to show a home to my clients that share the same kind of appreciation for these kind of homes as I do.  This home in particular is in one of my favourite Winnipeg neighbourhoods, Wolsley, where you can find character homes for blocks and blocks!  They quickly fell in-love, as I did myself, and it was a quick decision on their part that this home was what they were looking for.  Their plans are to renovate and restore, keeping as much of the originality of it as possible.  I cannot wait to see what they do with it! 

As a thank you to them for allowing me to help them with their home purchase, I asked the wonderful and talented photographer Janina, from Janina Nicole Photography, to do a before and after shoot of the property.  Below are some of my favourite photo's she captured of the home in the 'before' stage.  I'm looking forward to sharing the 'after' shots with you as well in the near future.

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