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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Angel of the Cemetary

During my weekend showings, I had some clients that wanted to view a rural property about thirty minutes from the City.  As I was driving I noticed a small, old white & black Church with beautiful stained glass windows.  These are common close to small villages and towns.  What captured my eye the most was the small Cemetery in the back yard.  It had a huge tree in the center, almost as if it was watching over the graves, and a big white cross with maybe 50-60 tombstones surrounding it.  I've always been intrigued by the history a Cemetery holds, each tombstone introducing you briefly to the person it belongs too but not telling you their secrets.  As I was thinking to myself about stopping there on the way home I suddenly got goosebumps all over my arms, shook it off and continued on my way.

Heading back to the City I drove slowly past the Cemetery, contemplating if I should stop or not.  As I drove by, I decided that I just was just going to go home. It had been a long day.  But, I got goosebumps again.  So, I U-turned and pulled up in front of the Church.  As I was walking around the Church, admiring the windows and taking some pictures I looked over at the Cemetery.  It was small, and pleasant and there was potential for some awesome pictures.  I took a few from afar and decided that I didn't really feel like trudging through the snow, so turned back to the car.  It was weird, because I looked back twice to see if someone was out there, as I felt like someone was looking at me.  You know that feeling....

Later on, I was playing around on my phone and remembered the photo's I took.  I started editing some of the photo's and then BAM!  This is what I saw.....

I didn't notice it when I took the picture and didn't notice it until I started playing with the picture in Instagram, but either that tree has some bark issues or....? Lol

Here's the edited picture and you can see it a bit better. 


My question to you is, have you taken any pictures and then noticed something in them afterwards that you didn't notice when you took it originally??  I would love to see your pictures. Let's hear your stories.

Here is a pretty picture of the Church as well.

#church #ghost #historicalsite

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